26. 28th January. Nearly there

 Stalin Malone from Costello's Spike The Beloved Entertainer going in the background.

This morning was a 5k with yesterday's main Anfield Wrap (the one I wasn't on) in the background. Breakfast, shower, head to town, record an Under The Lights, home for lunch. Now 2.45 and I'm aiming for  couple of hours on the Beatles project before heading to the gym about 5. Discovered the joys of actually lifting weights on Sunday, going to go for it again. The idea of being healthy. Need to ask Matty if I can take over his Apple Watch, he's not using it at all now far as I'm aware. 

Message to Mike this morning to see if he has contact details for Epstein (he doesn't yet), email to all involved in MIH seeing if we're meeting this week. David not available. Stephen's in rehearsals for SV so poss unlikely. Suggested that GJ's company could be an option for touring

Picked up the acoustic, always a good way to avoid work, tried out a trick on playing CFG up the neck which I'd never thought of. As ever, not quite able to master the hammer ons and flicks that the video was adding, so adjusted to something slightly different. I'd probably learn more things if I had an attention span and a functioning memory. 

Things to do. Stop avoiding. 

(Picked up Matty from Barcelona last night, sat nav decided I wanted to go WAAAAAY below Manchester airport in order to get to it, then come up from the wrong direction. Other than that, utterly uneventful. 

I'm going to look at all this in five years and wonder what any of the initials meant aren't I? 

PS. Update from Scott today re PF and MIH plus possibility on Last Weekend. Things moving


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