3. January 3rd. The bit before the work

 It's 4.30pm. I'm about to start work. Which is pretty much okay - my best work is done between 5 and 7 so I'm on target to be great. 

This morning was an Anfield Wrap (at 12.30 so technically that's afternoon but I left the house at 11.40 for it and all that happened before it was a gym visit where I managed ten minutes on a treadmill before getting bored because it goes nowhere and pulled something on the right side of my chest doing one of those things where you pull the wight bars down)

We talked about Manchester United and how much of a mess they are on and off the field (that Sir Jim bloke doesn't seem to be the messiah they expected, I'm gutted for them) ready for Sunday afternoon's game. Then a diversion into exactly how deluded Mikel Arteta is, and how he's reinvented Arsenal's fanbase in his own image. Good show.

6 Music's 80's day's been decent, managing to actually play loads of stuff we actually listened to at the time. Currently playing Genius Of Love, which is always excellent. I managed to miss Sade earlier and have, to now, avoided Neneh Cherry's Buffalo Stance all day. Happy with that. 

DB sent me a message this morning, he's got a bit more research for the project we'll currently call MIH; I'll obviously take anything that adds to the play though I'm currently working on what we'll refer to as a festival edit to be vague, this involving reducing a 2hr 15mins show to something that runs as a 65 minute one act play without losing plot or point. Like a greatest hits remix. It'll come together. 

For now though? Digging deep in the thing I referred to as DD yesterday. Characters to build, plot to move round, laughs to build, hearts to break. That's the gig. 

Two hours later, most soundtracked by the Father John Misty album as I got annoyed by 6 Music when they followed The Stone Roses' Waterfall with Girls Just Want To Have Fun, I've just checked the 6 Music track listing for the day and it's mostly splendid - though between Mary Anne Hobbs and Chris Hawkins they do seem to have managed to play Buffalo Stance twice in an hour. So I avoided it twice. Bonus points on that. (I know people love it, that's sound, I don't - it's one of the many things that's for others)


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