34. 5th February 2025. Why we're here
I started this up again, this time, partly inspired by J's gift of Brian Eno's 'A Year With Swollen Appendices' at Xmas, for myself, nobody but myself. A way of documenting my year, for me to look back on. With the possibility of letting others know that it exists at the end of the whole thing, if everything comes off. Not looking for reach, for notice, for numbers. Just writing for the sheer hell of it. And documenting the things that happen.
And the last two days, things have started to happen.
We look to have a 'go' on DD for the autumn. The email's a yes, we may have the show on sale before I get a contract, that'll do for me, that's how trust goes. Now I need to write the bloody thing.
Which is what I'm delaying myself from doing at the moment. Writing the bloody thing. Well, writing the one pager for a potential 2026 thing, then starting on DD.
We look to have movement on MIH (though I think it may still have different initials by the time it's announced), spoke to the contact Mike gave me, had a really good chat, followed up with email that linked in Scott and Stephen for introduction. August into September could be on. At a theatre we've wanted for it all along.
Year currently potentially: July, TCS. Aug/Sept, MIH. Sept/Oct, DD. Nov ABCATIOL.
2026? Vicks? Mabel? Reid's show? BM musical?
Everything's rolling, life feels wide open.
In other news - last night, Pass The Parcel at RC Studio. Lovely performances, gentle, nice sad. Three sisters coming back together. Eithne and Hayley in cast. Met up with Mickey and Lynne after briefly; always lovely.
Fantastic Four trailer dropped. Wasn't sure of Ben's look immediately but warmed on second and third viewing. I'll never not be thrilled by the sight of the Human Torch in flight, it's an image that's been in my life since the late sixties. And remains even though I'm now in my sixties. These are my myths.
And my ambition to write FF may now have gone but it's the love for them, for Spidey for Claremont's X-Men, Englehart's Avengers, the theory of the Legion Of Superheroes and moments of Batman that linger.
Listening to Joni Mitchell's Blue. Didn't get it for years, now I do. Once it settles in, it haunts you. On repeat for the afternoon?
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