47. 26th February 2025. Hardest Working Man In Showbusiness
This James Brown lad's good isn't he? Could go far. And that's just on the jazz blues RnB stuff, wait till I get to disc 2 of the box set and he invents the actual funk.
Just given the ticket for tonight's game, which could be such a glorious atmosphere, to our Josh. There's no way I'm walking from the car to the ground, then sitting there for two hours before walking back - couldn't hack it. Walking upstairs is tiring.
Feeling my age. Actually feeling slightly better this morning. So, just shite rather than absolute shite.
All word from last night's guest night for Peaceful Hour massive positive, have to make sure I see it next week.
Giving away a match ticket, giving away a gig ticket, turning down a freebie so I can pay for it - expensive infection (insert laughing wildly emoji)
On the positive though? Positive moves re MIH this morning, London suddenly very much a thing.
More of this please, less of the moaning.
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