49. 28th February 2025. Tell me.

 I can feel a little energy returning. 

Unfortunately, J now has it. And she has no choice but to keep working. Which is massively unfair. I can indulge in feeling shit, she can't. 

But there's no way we're making Mally's 60th tomorrow - it'd be wrong to take this large into a party. 

Last night - the planets aligning in a fantastically clear sky. No idea which planet was which but tink we had a once in a lifetime view. That followed by watching the SNL 50th concert. All a bit self congratulatory but topped off by Nirvana doing Teen Spirit with Post Malone doing a fine job filling in for Kurt, then Arcade Fire with St Vincent and David Byrne with Heroes followed by Wake Up. As ever, Win Butler (who we seem to have forgotten was problematic, was there a resolution to that? Was it shown that he actually wasn't?) tries too hard. J pointed out that he has Simon LeBon qualities, I tink Bono. Not really a rock star but LOOK AT ME! Wake Up is great though. 

Highlight of the night? Robyn and David Byrne doing Dancing On My Own and Naive Melody. In big suit jackets. 

Naive Melody's a song that I heard on Stop Making sense, thought was nice, saw in the film, loved the dancing with the lamp. And bit by bit, year by year, it's just got better.

Which reminds me, we had a song called It Just Gets Better. Think it got played once, that charity gig in Southport. Or did we? Am I conflating a group from the 2000s with a group from the 80s? I remember we dropped Everything That's Perfect from the set that night so it never actually existed in the real world, and I couldn't tell you what it sounded like. But It Just Gets Better? Maybe neither group ever played it anywhere, live or inbound rehearsal. Maybe it was Kid Charlemagne song, which means it never left a living room. Who knows. 

Listening to New Jersey to Woodstock by Kathy McCord. Think I found it in a review in Mojo? It's on the Joni/Laura Nyro/Jesus Was A Crossmaker axis. Really nice stuff. 

Spent the morning listening to weird early 20th century classical music while reading Blood Brothers. Lessons to be learned from such a tight machine as that script is. So I'm learning them, they're noted in my 'Notes On The Work' book and I'll be applying to this pass through Derby Days. And once Derby Days is done, I'll work on Vicks Trips while waiting for Lee's next steps (literally the busiest man on earth). 


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